Step 1
Once we have the products ready with their own images, we’re ready to create the catalog, for that, we click on the Customer tab> Customer Menu > Activities > View Priority Ítems/Catalog
Step 2
Once we get the window, we can go ahead and click New.
Step 3
Once we get the following window, we need to add a name to it, it can be done by category or by product group; afterwards, we select the type, which will correspond to how many lines and colimns we want the catalog to have, then we hit save again to save the changes made.
Step 4
After changes have been saved, we will get the Items option with a green plus sign, we have to click it to add the products.
Step 5
On this window, we can search for the product or directly enter the code of the product we want to add, after that, we select the position where we want the product to appear, according to the type we selected for the catalog and then we save changes by clicking on save.
Also refer to our video tutorial called “Creating the product catalog in OIS Central“.
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